Thursday, October 22, 2009


Growing up we are always told to trust. You are supposed to trust your friends, your family and the good people. Back then as kids, the good people were pretty much everyone and the bad people were the ones who committed crimes, tried to lure you in their cars with candy and such.

Then in high school, you trust all your friends until they steal your boyfriend, talk behind your back or take money from you. That is when you start learning there are more bad people out there than just the ones you were told of as a child.

But there were always ones that you could trust no matter what. Your Mom and your Dad and they trusted each other.

So then when it comes the time for you to be an adult, you pretty much know who you can trust. A few friends, your immediate family and you want to believe you can trust your boyfriend.

That's where the problem starts. Your parents trusted each other (if they were still together) so you should be able to trust your boyfriend and then your husband.

Ok, trust has always been difficult for me because of infidelity. But you still trust them anyway because its not going to happen again, right!?!?

But then it gets to a point where the trust is gone and everything that you believed in is gone. Right from the friends sleeping with your husband to the husband who just sleeps with everyone, so when the phone rings, you want to be the first to answer to see who it is, to, interrogating them to what they did while they were gone and who they were with.

So now it comes back to who can I trust? I know that I have that handful of friends that I can trust but who else??

I'm really having issues with trusting men now. How do I know they aren't going to cheat or hurt me like the ex did?? I feel like I have this wall put up that prevents anyone from getting in. Its like I'm sabotaging every relationship because of the whole trust thing. Why some guys actually stick around is beyond me because I know I talk to them bad. Pushing them away.

I'm sick of being alone and I want to be with Mr. Right but I don't want to be hurt again. I can't!!! But how can I stop?? I'm happy for the first time in a long time but I'm scared. The wall has come down some, but not much. Uuuuggghhh...why can't people just have signs on their forehead that says good and bad and life would be so much easier and less stressful.

Let me guess every one's response to this, its time right?? Ok, now the question for you is how much time does it take??

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